15 Personal Development Books To Create Financial Literacy on a Budget

Financial literacy covers more ground than understanding investments and savings. We all have a money mindset that we may or may not be aware of, and it can hold us back from financial success.

Learning from personal development experts about financial literacy can help us make better decisions to break through our financial ceiling.

1. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind — T. Harv Eker

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind — T. Harv Eker
Image Credit: Harper Collins Business.

This book explores the concepts behind why some people find it easy to acquire wealth, while others struggle to survive financially.

Author Eker uses many anecdotes and studies to help the reader identify their “money and success blueprint” and teaches readers how to improve their mindset to reach a higher level of financial success.

2. Baby Steps Millionaires — Dave Ramsey

Baby Steps Millionaires — Dave Ramsey
Image Credit: Ramsey Press.

Baby Steps Millionaires: How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth—and How You Can Too is a great book that teaches people to take small steps towards wealth. Dave Ramsey became a millionaire in his twenties and went bankrupt before becoming a millionaire again.

The author’s experience helps you understand that becoming a millionaire is only the first step. The essential element is keeping your hard-earned money and making it work for you.

3. Think And Grow Rich — Napoleon Hill

Think And Grow Rich — Napoleon Hill
Image Credit: Kindle.

Think and Grow Rich is recommended for anyone yearning to make more money. Author Napoleon Hill shares 13 proven principles for personal and financial success. His theory is that how you think determines your actions, which leads to results.

After reading the book, you will have the tools to focus on achieving financial success and take the necessary steps toward financial freedom.

4. The Millionaire Next Door — Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko

The Millionaire Next Door — Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko
Image Credit: Gallery Books.

This book is a fascinating, deep exploration of self-made American millionaires. The study’s comprehensive results show that many millionaires are ordinary people who are not extravagant spenders and live frugally.

The authors provide practical wealth-building strategies, including having financial discipline, saving, and budgeting for long-term wealth.

5. I Will Teach You To Be Rich — Ramit Sethi

I Will Teach You To Be Rich — Ramit Sethi
Image Credit: Workman Publishing Company.

I Will Teach You to Be Rich is a six-week program designed to help you manage your finances. Sethi teaches you to become conscious of your spending so you make fewer impulse purchases and optimize your savings and investments.

The book is excellent for young business professionals wanting to build a solid foundation for long-term wealth.

6. Rich Dad Poor Dad — Robert T. Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Poor Dad — Robert T. Kiyosaki
Image Credit: Warner Books (NY).

This classic book covers how to get rich by changing your money mindset. Author Robert T. Kiyosaki believes our education system is flawed because children learn nothing about building assets, managing money, or financial literacy.

After reading the book, you will understand the “poor dad” thinking that could hold you back. You will learn to cultivate the “rich dad” mindset to build wealth for a secure financial future.

7. The Automatic Millionaire — David Bach

The Automatic Millionaire — David Bach
Image Credit: Crown Business.

The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich teaches us to automate investments and savings. Too often, we delay financial decisions when we’re young, and it’s too late to catch up in our later years.

Bach encourages us to always pay ourselves first and align our financial decisions with long-term goals and values. Automating the process means less reliance on discipline and willpower.

8. Your Money Or Your Life — Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez

Your Money Or Your Life — Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
Image Credit: Penguin Books.

Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money focuses on a nine-step process to understand the connection between our values and money. For instance, the value of freedom could clash with the desire to launch a business.

Freedom may come later, but a new venture needs a lot of time and energy during the early stages of building a successful business.

The book takes a refreshing approach to understanding our relationship with money as we develop financial awareness and spend mindfully. It includes many exercises to help us better grasp our money mindset.

9. Money Mindsets — Vishal George

Money Mindsets — Vishal George
Image Credit: Behavioural by Design.

Money Mindsets: Science-Based Stories to Rewire Your Money Beliefs, Goals & Habits is a deep dive into the money beliefs we adopt from our family, significant life events, and socio-cultural environment.

The author encourages readers to rewrite our inherited money story and focus entirely on mindset. He teaches us to become aware of our relationship with money by observing what we do with it and how we think about it.

10. Breaking Free from Broke — George Kamel

Breaking Free from Broke — George Kamel
Image Credit: Ramsey Press.

Breaking Free from Broke: The Ultimate Guide to More Money and Less Stress is for the everyday person who aches to free themselves from debt and achieve financial freedom. George Kamel teaches readers to smash through beliefs driven by an archaic, toxic money system that keeps us broke.

The writing style is conversational, and the humor is sometimes laugh-out-loud funny. The book will help you break free from debt and better understand how to build wealth.

11. The Simple Path to Wealth — J.L. Collins

The Simple Path to Wealth — J.L. Collins
Image Credit: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

This book aims to help people achieve financial freedom by teaching them to take simple steps into investing, such as low-cost index funds.

The author’s insights teach you to make better choices without needing a 9-to-5 job and gain the confidence to chase your financial dreams.

12. Money — Rob Moore

Money — Rob Moore
Image Credit: John Murray Learning.

Money: Know More, Make More, Give More presents a roadmap to financial freedom. Moore is a self-made millionaire and best-selling author.

It’s an inspiring read that suggests we fail to become wealthy because we do not understand the “money game” that keeps us broke. Moore shares his tips for money management and how to think like a millionaire by creating an ambitious plan for future wealth.

13. The Psychology of Money — Morgan Housel And Chris Hill

The Psychology of Money — Morgan Housel
Image Credit: Harriman House.

The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness is a book about how you think and behave regarding money. The authors explain that people make financial decisions emotionally, not by creating a spreadsheet or talking with a financial advisor.

The authors have compiled 19 short stories about the weird ways people think about money. The lessons you learn will teach you to make sense of your money-making decisions and make fewer emotional and impulsive choices.

14. Get Good with Money — Tiffany the Budgetnista Aliche

Get Good with Money — Tiffany the Budgetnista Aliche
Image Credit: Rodale Books.

Get Good with Money: Ten Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole is a 10-step plan for getting into harmony with your money. The author was a preschool teacher who lost a healthy nest egg during a recession when her financial advisor gave her some bad advice.

The book documents Tiffany’s escape from that financial dilemma into a secure future of financial wholeness. She has helped over a million women worldwide pay off debts and create a wealthy future.

15. The Total Money Makeover — Dave Ramsey

The Total Money Makeover — Dave Ramsey
Image Credit: Nelson Books.

The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness provides the reader with a step-by-step plan for debt-free living and financial freedom.

Ramsey’s book has many successful case studies and helps us understand simple but effective ways to control our finances and make better decisions to create a financially stable future.

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