Balancing Act: 15 Ways to Achieve Work-Life Harmony in Today’s World

Work. For most of the population, work is part of our everyday lives, whether we like it or not. Unfortunately, too many people get so wrapped up in their careers that they forget to have a life for themselves.

That’s what we call burn-out, and more and more Americans are falling victim to this parasite.

Whatever we do to make a living, balancing our professional life and life outside of work is important. Experts believe following these tips can help you achieve the perfect work-life harmony.

1. Take Breaks Between Tasks

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Do you find yourself zoning out or daydreaming from time to time? Here’s something your boss might not want you to know.: Humans are not meant to sit at a desk, staring at a computer for eight hours straight.

We all need to break up our daily work routines to fit in a quick walk, stretching session, or just a few minutes of resetting our minds. These little recesses help us avoid burnout and regain our focus.

2. Leave Work At Work

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Too many people fall into the habit of bringing their work home. How will you maintain a proper work-life balance when the boundaries between the two are blurred?

Your home should be your sanctuary. It’s a place to unwind after a stressful day, interact with your family, and focus on your mental and physical health. Bringing your work home with you puts those special relationships on the back burner when they should be your priority.

3. Disconnect When Off the Clock

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Unless your job description requires you to be contacted at any time of the day, when you clock off, you should completely disconnect. This includes turning off email notifications, work phones, and work computers.

Avoiding those pesky notifications will help you focus on what matters most: your free time, whether it’s solo or spent with your family.

4. Maintain Your Hobbies

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I’ve seen too many professionals sacrifice their hobbies for their careers.

Hobbies are supposed to help you relax and distract yourself from life’s stresses. If you ignore your hobbies, you’re neglecting a valuable outlet.

Don’t let work take over your life. Setting aside time for yourself is essential, whether you like playing golf, riding a bike, reading, or gardening.

5. Use Your Paid Time Off

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I’ve seen too many people rack up their PTO hours and never use them. There’s a reason companies give you paid time off. Surveys have shown that providing employees with paid vacations helps them remain productive.

Think of a vacation as recharging your batteries. A week or two away from work with the ones you love will most likely rejuvenate you and help you be ready to return to the office.

6. Get Outside

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Many people underestimate the importance of getting outside and soaking in some Vitamin D. Natural sunlight can improve sleep patterns, lower blood pressure, help inflammation, and uplift your mood.

If you work indoors, take your lunch break outside. Set aside 30 minutes to walk or relax on your porch instead of your couch.

7. Set a Sleep Routine

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Waking up refreshed and energized can set the tone for the entire day. After all, the saying, “Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” exists for a reason.

Proper sleep routines can help your body’s natural circadian rhythm fall into place. Avoid excessive screen time two hours before sleep, and aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

8. Get Proper Exercise

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Regular exercise can lower one’s risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity and positively affect mental health. Setting aside time to focus on your physical fitness can go a long way in improving your work-life balance. Not only will it give you an escape from work, but it will also increase your dopamine levels to improve your overall mood and well-being.

9. Keep a Positive Support System

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A healthy mindset and positive attitude are directly related to the people you surround yourself with. If you constantly listen to co-workers complain, gossip, or are unpleasant, those feelings may rub off on you.

Misery loves company, and we all know the people in the office who like to drag others down with them. Avoid them at all costs. They are not worth your time.

Instead, seek out fellow employees who build each other up, celebrate each other’s success, and offer advice when needed.

10. Ask For Help At Work

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Everyone can get overwhelmed in the workplace. Maybe you took on a project that became more problematic than you expected, or a deadline got pushed up. Whatever it is, asking for help from your peers should always be a viable option.

Reaching out for help does not have to be considered a sign of weakness. Workplaces should work as a team, which is when surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals comes in handy.

11. Seek Support At Home

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If you are feeling signs of mental fatigue, burn-out, depression, or anxiety, you should seek out your loved ones for emotional support.

These people care about you more than anyone else and are there to listen and help you get through a rough patch. They might even be able to open your eyes to a new way of looking at a problem.

12. Set Boundaries

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It might be difficult to say no to someone, especially if that person is a friend or an authority figure. I’m not saying you should be nasty, but if you’re asked to do something outside your job description that will negatively affect you, it’s okay to decline.

For example, what if your boss asks you to stay late to work on a project that is not time-sensitive, but you have your son’s little league game starting in 30 minutes? What’s more important in the long run?

Also, if your boss doesn’t understand your mindset, it might be a sign you work in a toxic environment.

13. Eliminate Wasted Time

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It is so easy to go down a rabbit hole on social media or YouTube only to look up and see that an hour has flashed by. While it might seem like a nice break from reality, it is actually a time waste that could be used for the workout you have been putting off all day.

Imagine how much better you’d feel if you walked in the park instead of scrolling away for 60 minutes.

14. Keep a Dedicated Workspace

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If you work from home, consider setting up a separate, dedicated workspace that you can leave at the end of your work hours. This will help you disconnect from the employee version of yourself to the real-life you.

I work from home in a small apartment, so this is hard for me. But at the end of the day, I like to put away my laptop, hide my papers in the drawer, and clean off my desk to avoid forgetting things I still need to do.

15. Look To the Future

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You might ask yourself where you see yourself in five, 10, or 20 years. Do you see yourself in the same town? Having a family? Making more money? Working in the same industry?

The answers to these questions might directly impact your current working situation.

If your future goals don’t align with your career path, it might be time to rethink your career choices. The sooner you realize your job keeps you away from the things you want, the sooner you can find something else you love and start a new journey.


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