15 Movies Where The Bad Guys Win

More often than not, movies end with the good guys victorious over the bad guys. It’s a tried and true formula that delivers the happy ending that viewers look for. Yet, every now and then, the villain will prevail before the credits roll. Some of these films are the most intriguing to watch because they avoid common movie tropes and formulas, delivering an entertaining story that showcases well-rounded, layer characters.

Here is a list of movies when the bad guy wins.  Caution: there may be spoilers below!


Upgrade movie
Photo Credit: Universal Pictures

The 2018 action thriller follows Grey Trace, who undergoes a procedure to receive a STEM implant following a tragic accident that left him paralyzed. Grey can regain control of his limbs and live a fulfilling life, but by the time the film ends, the STEM has total control of Grey’s body and mind. 

Primal Fear

Primal Fear
Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

Richard Gere plays Defense Attorney Martain Vail, who is best known for winning acquittals for his high-profile clients. However, one case may give him second thoughts about his confidence and ego once Vail realizes he was played. 


Photo Credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment

When the police catch John Doe (Kevin Spacey), his master plan to commit crimes based on the seven deadly sins is still successful.  It’s a lesson that David Mills (Brad Pitt) has to learn the hard way. 


Photo Credit: Open Road Films

The 2014 neo-noir thriller stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Lou, who makes a living as a Stringer–a freelance journalist who records footage for the local news.  Nightcrawler showcases a descent into madness, proving that the protagonist of a movie isn’t always the good guy. 

No Country For Old Men

Photo Credit: Miramax Films

Javier Bardem gives an unforgettable performance as Anton Chigurh in this award-winning movie from the Coen Brothers. Chigurh can walk away unscathed as Officer Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones) realizes this is indeed no country for old men like himself. 

There Will Be Blood

Photo Credit: Paramount Vantage

Daniel Day-Lewis plays a greedy and conniving businessman in search of oil in this 2007 film from Paul Thomas Anderson.  His Oscar-winning performance as Daniel Plainview showcases a descent into madness as Plainview and his villainous tactics come out on top. 

Cabin in the Woods

Cabin in the Woods
Photo Credit: Lionsgate

Marketed as a stereotypical slasher film, Cabin in the Woods is anything but.  A shadow group attempts to make sacrifices to appease the old gods, but humanity is at risk of extinction when they fail. 


Photo Credit: Universal Pictures

The 2010 animated film stars Will Ferrell as the supervillain Megamind.  It’s an enjoyable movie, and while the bad guy does end up coming out on top, there’s nothing wrong with that here; it’s a harmless animated feature. 


Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

The 1974 classic starring Jack Nicholson is a perfect example of a modern film-noir classic.  Nicholson and Faye Dunaway give standout performances, and the script by Robert Towne is in a league of its own. 


Photo Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Zack Snyder adapted the legendary graphic novel to the big screen in 2009. While some changes were made, the story’s ending (for the most part) remains the same.  “I’m not a comic book villain. Do you seriously think I’d explain my masterstroke to you if there were even the slightest possibility you could affect the outcome? I triggered it thirty-five minutes ago.”

Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Photo Credit: Mutant Enemy Productions

Developed during the 2007 Writer’s Strike, the Joss Wheddon web series stars Neil Patrick Harris, Felicia Day, and Nathan Fillion.  In addition to its catchy songs, it’s best known for the villain Dr. Horrible succeeding in the end. 

Silence of the Lambs

The Silence of the Lambs
Photo Credit: Twentieth Century Fox

The classic thriller starring Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster dives into the case of Buffalo Bill. While Bill meets his comeuppance, Hannibal Lecter finds a way to escape to freedom. 

Inside Man

Inside Man
Photo Credit: Universal Pictures

Directed by Spike Lee, 2006’s Inside Man stars Denzel Washington, Clive Owen, and Jodie Foster. The crime heist pulled off in the film is an example of the perfect crime, resulting in a victory for the villains and the taunting of the good guys. 

X-Men: First Class

X-Men First Class
Photo Credit: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

The reboot of the X-Men franchise dives into the origins of the popular superhero team.  It’s a great look into the backstory and friendship of Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr. However, as Erik fully transforms into Magneto, it’s still heartbreaking to witness. 

The Big Short

The Big Short
Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

In this case, the bad guys are the big banks. The Adam McKay film dives into the cause and fallout of the 2008 financial crisis and the collapse of the American housing market. Despite the movie’s protagonists successfully cashing in, the lesson to learn here is that the house, or in this case, the banks, always come out on top.

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The Fugutive
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.


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