15 Unpopular Opinions About Traveling

There is a definite hype around travel, especially with the increased social media exposure that it gets. Everyone travels differently, so some people have their own travel opinions that don’t go over well with other people.

1. People Use Traveling as an Excuse to go Shopping

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Many people create a shopping list of bags, clothing, and toiletries they must purchase before packing their bags and jumping on a plane. While some people love shopping and traveling, others just see it as an excuse to update their wardrobe and belongings when they can travel with what they already have.

2. Tourist Attractions are Popular for a Reason

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Spending time in less popular (and thus less crowded) destinations is always good, but still make time to see some popular tourist attractions. Tourist attractions are popular for a reason, and you’ll miss out on those experiences if you try to go off the beaten path too much.

3. Some Solo Travelers Want to be Alone

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Some travelers hate meeting new people as they explore. Some people want to go on their trips and just spend time alone, while others want to make new friends along the way.

4. ‘Authentic’ and ‘local’ experiences are misguided

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Calling your experience more ‘authentic’ or ‘local’ than the popular tourist attractions is misguided. People shared that if you were doing as the locals do, you would wake up, eat breakfast, commute to work on an overcrowded train, and come home for dinner. It’s okay to look for ‘more authentic’ experiences, but you’re not living your life like the locals.

5. Global Entry is Not Overrated

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Although Global Entry is a little more expensive than TSA Pre-Check, it’s worth it. Travelers shared their successful experiences with global entry, being able to arrive at the airport later and skipping the lines at customs.

6. Travelers are Just Tourists

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There’s a strange competition for people to be the “best” type of traveler, and that travelers are better than tourists. We’re classified as a tourist when we’re somewhere new, and that’s okay.

7. Asking for Local Recommendations is Sometimes a Bad Idea

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If you think about it, locals don’t spend their free time testing all the restaurants in their home city and, like you, probably frequent convenient and cheap places. People also often freeze up when asked for recommendations on the spot and may not direct you to the best restaurants.

8. You Do Not Have to Check Off Every Must-do Activity

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Not every destination’s must-do activities are a must. If you’re scared of heights, you probably won’t enjoy climbing the city’s highest tower, or if you don’t appreciate art, don’t spend a day of your travels in art galleries. Instead, use your time to do things you will enjoy.

9. Tours Can be Amazing

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Although many people agree that tours are a waste of money as you don’t have enough time to experience all the places you visit, others disagree. With big tour groups, your accommodation is often sorted, and the local guides offer a wealth of insight into your destination, making the intimidating aspects of traveling (like currencies and language) more accessible.

10. Duffel Bags with Shoulder Straps are Superior to Backpacks

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Many travelers agree with the unpopular opinion that backpacks are unnecessary when traveling. A wheelie or duffel bag is often more manageable as you can fit more belongings. Further, you’re usually not walking around your destination with your backpack on as you drop it off at your accommodation before exploring.

11. Packing Lightly is Overrated

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One traveler said that they used to pack lightly until realizing that their bag stayed at their accommodation 90% of the time. They know they always have what they need and won’t need to wash their underwear in the bathroom sink.

12. You Don’t Have to Get to Know the Locals

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You don’t have to try to know the locals if you don’t speak the same language. It will cause more anxiety between you if you try to connect through the limited amount of words you both understand.

13. Don’t Wait Until Your Kids Are ‘Old Enough’ to Travel

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Many people say you should wait until your children can appreciate traveling, but figuring out the right age is impossible. No matter their age, children gain so much from their traveling experiences, even if they won’t remember the actual events in the future.

14. It’s Okay to City/Country Hop Quickly

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There is nothing wrong with quickly hopping from city to city/ country to country. Although some travelers say, you don’t get to know a place until you’ve spent a lot of time there, moving between locations offers a different experience where you can compare and compare other sites and visit more places in a limited amount of time.

15. Tourist-trap Restaurants Aren’t a Bad Thing

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Tourist-trap restaurants are often extraordinary experiences. The food may be marked up, but remember that you’re probably dining in the center of a historical site or alongside a popular natural attraction.

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