15 Ways to Find Time For Yourself As A Working Mom

Being a working mom is like juggling a dozen tasks while riding a unicycle — challenging but not impossible. Amid the chaos of balancing work deadlines, household chores, and family responsibilities, it’s easy to forget about yourself.

These 15 strategies will help you carve out time for yourself and reclaim those stolen moments. After all, being a supermom doesn’t mean sacrificing your sanity.

1. Schedule “Me Time”

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Scheduling “me time” involves setting aside dedicated periods solely for self-care. Just as you would schedule important meetings and appointments, treat this time with the same priority level.

Utilize this time to engage in activities that replenish your spirit and energy. These could include your favorite hobby, mindfulness exercises, or simply savoring moments of solitude.

2. Delegate Tasks

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Delegating tasks helps working mothers manage their responsibilities effectively. Entrust specific duties to others, like your partner or family members, to create space for personal time.

Before delegating, identify tasks that can be shared with others, considering everyone’s strengths and availability. Whether it’s household chores, childcare responsibilities, or work-related tasks, delegating allows you to focus on priorities and get some free time.

3. Wake Up Early

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The early morning hours can offer a tranquil sanctuary for working mothers before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. Use this time to engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

Establishing a morning routine can provide structure and a positive tone for the day ahead. Gradually adjust your wake-up time to ensure you’re getting enough rest while maximizing this valuable window of opportunity.

4. Set Boundaries and Stick to Them

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Setting boundaries involves defining clear limits on your time, energy, and commitments to protect your well-being. Identify your priorities and values, then establish boundaries that align with them. This may mean setting specific work hours or designating family time without interruptions.

Setting and honoring boundaries creates a healthier balance between personal and professional life. This reduces stress and fosters greater fulfillment.

5. Practice Saying, “No”

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Saying no to unnecessary commitments allows you to create time for yourself. Evaluate each request carefully and consider how it aligns with your goals. If a commitment doesn’t serve your well-being, decline politely.

Be assertive and concise in your response when saying no. You don’t owe anyone a detailed explanation or apology for setting boundaries. Declining respectfully helps you honor your existing commitments and preserve your resources for what matters.

6. Use Technology to Streamline Tasks

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Explore tools and software designed to automate routine tasks, manage schedules, and organize information. From calendar apps to task management tools, technology offers a wealth of resources to help you stay organized and on track.

Take advantage of communication platforms to collaborate with colleagues, coordinate schedules with family members, and stay connected with loved ones. Whether it’s email, messaging apps, or video conferencing, technology facilitates seamless communication, even when you’re on the go.

7. Explore Flexible Work Options

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Consider negotiating flexible work arrangements with your employer, such as telecommuting or compressed workweeks. These schedules can provide greater autonomy over your schedule and free up some time.

However, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of flexible work options and ensure they align with your career goals. Communicate openly with your employer about your preferences to establish clear boundaries and expectations.

8. Hire a Babysitter

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A babysitter can be a game-changer for working mothers. They provide much-needed support and flexibility in managing childcare responsibilities.

When looking for a babysitter, ask for recommendations from family and friends. You can also utilize reputable babysitting services to find qualified caregivers who can meet your needs.

9. Use Commute Time for Self-Care Activities

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Instead of viewing commute time as a chore, consider it an opportunity to prioritize your well-being. Listen to uplifting podcasts, audiobooks, or music that inspire and energize you. Choose content that resonates with your interests. This can include personal development, mindfulness, or entertainment.

You can also use this time to meditate and reduce stress. Focus on deep breathing to cultivate a sense of calm even when traveling.

10. Plan Regular Dates

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Dates offer an opportunity to prioritize relationships and recharge your emotional batteries. You can schedule regular dates on your own or with your partner to nurture your connection.

Fun date ideas include a movie night, dinner, coffee, a girls’ night out, a weekend getaway, or a simple walk. For solo dates, indulge in activities that bring you joy. You can explore a new interest, participate in your favorite hobby, or enjoy quiet time alone.

11. Have a Routine

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A routine provides structure and predictability. It helps you manage time efficiently, prioritize tasks, and maintain a good work-life balance.

Start by mapping out a typical day or week and designating specific times for essential activities. Your routine should be flexible enough for you to adjust and adapt as needed.

12. Take Advantage of Workplace Resources for Working Parents

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Explore company-sponsored benefits such as flexible work arrangements and onsite childcare facilities. These resources can provide greater flexibility and support in managing your work and family commitments.

Utilize paid leave benefits like parental, vacation, or sick leave to prioritize your needs. Also, discuss potential accommodations or adjustments that could support your work-life balance and overall well-being.

13. Eliminate Unnecessary Things

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Declutter your schedule and cut out unnecessary activities. Start by identifying what activities you spend time on and whether you can do without them.

However, eliminating unnecessary things isn’t just about time management but also mental clarity. When you simplify your life, you free up headspace to focus on what really matters: your well-being.

14. Find Time-Saving Meal Strategies

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Embrace the power of meal planning and batch cooking. Spend a little time mapping out your meals each week, and you’ll save loads of time. Plus, it takes the guesswork out of what to cook, so you will spend less time staring into the fridge and more time cooking.

For batch cooking, you can spend a lazy Sunday afternoon whipping up batches of your favorite meals and freeing them for later. That way, you’ll have a stash of homemade dinners ready whenever needed.

15. Maximize Nap Time

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Nap time isn’t just for your little one — it’s your secret weapon for much-needed me time. First, forget about chores. The dishes can wait, and the laundry isn’t going anywhere.

Use nap time to do something just for you, whether it’s catching up on your favorite show, diving into a good book, or simply taking a well-deserved nap.

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