Typewriter Turned Into AI-Powered ‘Ghostwriter’ That Responds To What You Type

With over 17 years of writing experience, Jonathan has had a passion for all things tech-related, ever since watching Inspector Gadget as a child. He's disassembled countless appliances and managed to put a few back together, and one still works. When not writing, he can often be found playing video games or accidentally hurting himself in the garage.

Using a Brother electric typewriter, engineer Arvind Sanjeev added the power of GPT-3 to turn the machine into ‘Ghostwriter,’ an AI-enabled typewriter that can read and respond to whatever a person types. Using an Arduino board and Raspberry Pi, typed input is sent to ChatGPT for analysis, and the typewriter then types its own response. It’s like an electric typewriter version of a Ouija board!

Writers, artists, and all creatives are unsure of their role in this new world with AI. The Ghostwriter is a poetic intervention that allows us to take a moment to breathe and reflect on this new creative relationship we are forming with machines. …By interacting with Ghostwriter, creatives understand that true power is unleashed only when a human combines their emotional intellect with the computational brute force of an AI.

Ghostwriter, type me a blockbuster novel! Now, all I have to do is sit back, feed the typewriter enough paper to make the New York Times Best Seller list, and wait for the money to roll in. It’s almost TOO easy. Ghostwriter, start working on the sequel!

[via LaughingSquid]

Journalist at Technabob | Website | + posts

With over 17 years of writing experience, Jonathan has had a passion for all things tech-related, ever since watching Inspector Gadget as a child. He's disassembled countless appliances and managed to put a few back together, and one still works. When not writing, he can often be found playing video games or accidentally hurting himself in the garage.