15 Innovative Uses of the Apple Vision Pro No One Thought About

Is the Apple Vision Pro worth a whopping $3,500? The answer depends on your use case and how you plan to integrate the tech into your life.

By introducing high-quality lenses and extremely precise eye-tracking, the Vison Pro is transcending the boundaries of mixed reality and seamlessly amalgamating the virtual and physical worlds.

While this is a game changer for the tech world, many people are sticking to the headset’s basic uses without exploring its full capability. Apple Vision Pro allows you to do many unique things that blow you away.

1. Virtual Clothes

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The modern world is all about being able to express yourself through various means, including fashion. With the introduction of this headset, that becomes even more plausible. According to Glossy, this opens up the idea of curating your unique look in VR by mixing and matching clothes and accessories. This also means less waste of raw materials and a more sustainable form of fashion.

2. Furniture and Home Decor

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Bella Staging talks about the Planner 5D app for this headset and how it allows people to build their room layouts in detail. With Apple’s new technology, you can check out how furniture looks in your room, re-arrange your entire house and see if it looks nice before physically doing it, and even purchase furniture based on your design layout. The possibilities are endless.

3. Discovering New Products

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While searching for something on the internet through a scanner or a photograph exists on our phones, imagine doing that in a virtual setting. Wherever you and whatever you see and like can instantly be used to search for similar products and thereby bought on the spot. This is also beneficial for companies, allowing them to increase their sales.

4. Interactive Shopping

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If you’re obsessed with shopping, this headset might be a spectacular gadget to explore. According to the Virtual Store Platform, Vision Pro can allow you to shop for your favorite clothes interactively. You can swipe through clothes and try them on to see if they fit and whether you like the design and aesthetic. All this can be done from the comfort of your house without facing any size issues later.

5. Exploring New Destinations

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According to Apple, guide maps already exist on the headset that can help with recommendations for new places to eat and destinations to explore. However, this can be further advanced as the travel industry adapts to the Vision Pro. You’ll experience entire countries and cities from the comfort of your home using Apple’s 3D spatial technology. If you can’t afford to travel a lot, you can save up to buy this headset since it will be a one-time cost.

6. Third-Party App Development

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Apple announced that 600 new apps were built, mainly for Vision Pro. This means there will be many new features and use cases to explore with the headset. This also means you can develop and use your spacial app inside this headset. Doing this opens up a whole new field in development, allowing for more jobs and more creative ideas to explore.

7. Travel Back To Specific Memories

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Have you ever wished that you could re-live a moment in time? Well, now you can. With this new advancement in tech, you can go back and play photos and videos taken ages ago and experience them in an immersive environment, bringing back all the nostalgia and happy memories you wanted. Time travel isn’t possible yet, but this is as close to it as we have.

8. Interactive Gaming

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For avid gamers, this might just be the most exciting use case of them all. Imagine playing your favorite game in a 3D VR setting and feeling like you’re a character in the game yourself. Further advancements can make VR games even more interactive, with story-based games feeling like you’re living those moments in real-time. The potential to grow is limitless.

9. Bring Education to Life

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According to Axon Park, Vision Pro’s unparalleled eye-tracking makes immersive educational experiences much better than traditional ones. With this headset, you can ensure that students are taught things through visualization, which helps them learn better. A simple trip to a museum in VR can be exciting and allow you to learn so much within the confines of the school.

10. Elevating University Experiences

Image Credit: IE University.

With remote courses becoming more common, we must still address isolation, loneliness, and missing out on campus life. With Vision Pro, this can all change. Events, classes, and much more can be available for all students despite their location. In fact, IE University is already building educational applications within the headset.

11. Medical Visualization

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Apple’s new tech is redefining all industries, including medicine. According to Encord, with advanced visualization technology, this headset can improve physical therapy methods, support simulation-based training for medical procedures, and increase collaboration between doctors and medical professionals. Furthermore, it can help students understand human anatomy, which is a way that will make learning much more accessible.

12. Workforce Training

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Big companies spend a lot of money on staff training to keep scaling their business. However, the cost can be daunting. These companies can now save money with an investment in Vision Pro. Staff training in VR can reduce training costs, resources, and space while improving learning and making it more fun for employees.

13. Digital Art

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According to Apple, you can use the VR headset to draw on a freeform board, and there are multiple options for pens with varying colors and thicknesses. With more applications being developed, creating digital art in a 3D setting can be one of the most exciting experiences for artists. Instead of tracing their old art manually, imagine using your headset to trace a sketch onto the wall before you paint it.

14. Virtual Sheet Music

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Creatives can benefit more from Vision Pro than most. When you’re trying to play sheet music, it can be annoying to flip pages or even scroll on an iPad midway. With this tech, you can multitask efficiently by having everyone in front of you. Additionally, it can be a great way to learn a new instrument without actually buying an expensive instrument.

15. Learning How To Cook

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If you’ve struggled with cooking new food or just find it difficult to pause and play a YouTube tutorial mid-cooking, Vision Pro solves that problem. You don’t need to get your hands dirty or lace your phone with food from the kitchen. Instead of using VR, you can watch side-by-side tutorials and quickly make a delicious meal.

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