6 Ways to Find Big Space in Tiny Houses


If you’re hip to the new tiny house movement, you know that space is a vital resource. Packing a household’s worth of items in a small space is an art form that only a few have perfected.

If you’re new to the tiny home lifestyle, these hints take advantage of small spaces and make them seem bigger than they appear.

Under the Stairs Storage

One of the most significant wastes of space in a confined area is under the stairs. It’s a place most people used to forget about before expert tiny home builders introduced the possibility of extra storage space.

Look for spaces between cabinets and appliances to add organizers. A narrow 4-inch rack can go next to the refrigerator to serve as a pull-out spice rack.

Simple Organizers

Hidden Storage


Finding room for your belongings in a tiny home is a magic act. Hidden compartments and drawers are your best friends in maximizing space.

Hang Items From the Ceiling

Tiny homes have minimal storage and counter space. Adding a rod to the ceiling and hanging kitchen items to that rod frees up vital counter space.

The support beams in your tiny home can be both functional and decorative. Keep them open instead of covering up the internal beams and use them as tiny shelves.

Get Creative With Support Beams

Under Seat Storage

Like adding storage drawers under the flooring, couches are another excellent spot for adding storage underneath. The space under the couch is empty, and empty space is the enemy of a tiny home.