Dog Speedruns Nintendo Game To Raise Money For Charity

With over 17 years of writing experience, Jonathan has had a passion for all things tech-related, ever since watching Inspector Gadget as a child. He's disassembled countless appliances and managed to put a few back together, and one still works. When not writing, he can often be found playing video games or accidentally hurting himself in the garage.

As part of the recent Awesome Games Done Quick 2024 (AGDQ2024) speedrunning marathon for charity, Peanut Butter the dog participated by speedrunning Gyromite for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Proceeds from the event benefitted the Prevent Cancer Foundation, and Peanut Butter helped raise over $24,000 for the cause.

With the help of some ham and cheese treats, Peanut Butter used a custom controller to raise and lower gates in-game, taking the place of the original R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Buddy) accessory for the Nintendo. And what a great job he does too! Peanut Butter is able to complete all 25 levels in 26 minutes and 24 seconds, making very few mistakes, but lost his final life to an enemy that didn’t properly deload from a previous level, preventing a world record. That’s a shame, because PB really deserved that record.

Am I going to get my dogs to start speedrunning video games? Probably not, they don’t like to do anything very quickly. Well, except eat. They’re world class speedeaters. I imagine a lot of dogs out there though, so there would probably be pretty fierce competition.

[via TechEBlog]

Journalist at Technabob | Website | + posts

With over 17 years of writing experience, Jonathan has had a passion for all things tech-related, ever since watching Inspector Gadget as a child. He's disassembled countless appliances and managed to put a few back together, and one still works. When not writing, he can often be found playing video games or accidentally hurting himself in the garage.