Wilson Releases $2,500 3D-Printed Airless Basketball

With over 17 years of writing experience, Jonathan has had a passion for all things tech-related, ever since watching Inspector Gadget as a child. He's disassembled countless appliances and managed to put a few back together, and one still works. When not writing, he can often be found playing video games or accidentally hurting himself in the garage.

After unveiling the Wilson Airless Prototype basketball last year, the sports equipment giant decided to do what any company would when they realized customers would pay for their prototype: make it an actual product and price it at $2,500. The Wilson Airless Gen1 is the first 3D-printed airless basketball available to the public. Or at least the rich public.

“Rather than being inflated, Airless Gen1 relies on a 3D-printed polymer lattice structure. The basketball nearly fits the performance specifications of a regulation basketball, including its weight, size and rebound (bounce). The form of the ball features 8 panel-like lobes and a familiar seam structure, with hexagonal holes across the surface allowing air to pass through freely. Each Airless Gen1 comes with a case, stand, and 3-letter customizable tag.”

Will the NBA use airless basketballs in the future? Maybe. And maybe players will be allowed to play with flubber-soled shoes, too. That would be cool. And if they scored 5 points from dunking from half-court. Hire me, NBA, I have tons of bad ideas like this that could really push this sport to the next level.

[via Forbes]

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With over 17 years of writing experience, Jonathan has had a passion for all things tech-related, ever since watching Inspector Gadget as a child. He's disassembled countless appliances and managed to put a few back together, and one still works. When not writing, he can often be found playing video games or accidentally hurting himself in the garage.