Baby Looney Tunes

10 Hilarious Baby Names People Would Give ‘Adopted’ Extraterrestrial Babies

Parents spend months thinking about what to name their baby. Assuming alien parents go through the same process, how do they decide on their baby’s name? If you find an alien baby, you’ll need to give it a name, so here are some ideas on what to name…

The Final Frontier: 12 Space Movies Without Supernatural Elements

The Final Frontier: 12 Space Movies Without Supernatural Elements

Some Hollywood imaginings of outer space stray from the supernatural and instead focus on space exploration, evading black holes, and landing on other planets.…

Pimp My Ride: 15 Accessories That Increase A Car’s Resale Value

Pimp My Ride: 15 Accessories That Increase A Car’s Resale Value

When you decide you deserve an upgraded vehicle, you will want to get as much money as you can for your current car. Potential…

Affordable Fashion: 15 Brands That Seem Expensive But Aren’t

Affordable Fashion: 15 Brands That Seem Expensive But Aren’t

If you enjoy a bit of luxury but don’t have the budget, then you’re in luck. Fashion doesn’t have to cost a fortune. You…

15 Popular Books That Are Largely Disliked

15 Popular Books That Are Largely Disliked

Behold the world of best sellers where critics and readers don’t see eye-to-eye. Despite the overwhelming reception of specific titles, the mass of upset…

American Tourists Beware: 15 Things To Avoid

American Tourists Beware: 15 Things To Avoid

America offers many great places to visit from coast to coast. Similarly, there are also areas and attractions where locals wouldn’t take their out-of-town…

Having Fun On A Budget: 15 Cool Hobbies That Are Cheap

Having Fun On A Budget: 15 Cool Hobbies That Are Cheap

Ah, work-life balance. It’s an ideal we’re all striving for in one way or another. But what exactly do you do during the hours…

Looking For Adventure? Check Out These 15 Cities

Looking For Adventure? Check Out These 15 Cities

Does your ideal trip involve an escape into nature or one continuous party? It doesn’t have to be one or the other. Several cities…

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