18 Strange but Effective Ways to Cut Your Monthly Expenses

18 Strange but Effective Ways to Cut Your Monthly Expenses

Being an adult means taking on various responsibilities, from deciding what to eat for dinner to managing your finances. It’s a journey filled with choices, both large and small, that shape our lives and futures. And when it comes to finances, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the…

red dead 2

The Most Immersive Soundtracks in Video Games

Soundtracks can make or break the immersion level in a video game. Melancholy tunes add to the emotion during tragic moments, while creepy themes…

One Day - Anne Hathaway

American Actors Who Can Do British Accents: Ranked

I am a British subject living overseas — also known in Britain as a foreigner. Nonetheless, I still retain the exact English accent I…

The Pianist (2002)

Playing It by Ear: 15 Movies That Celebrate Music

There is a difference between music fans and musical fans, just as there are differences between musicals and movies about music. The latter category…

best 21st century romcoms

35 Romantic Comedies From The 21st Century Everyone Needs to Watch

Some say that the romantic comedy is a dying genre of movie. As times change in the industry, it feels like these types of…


15 of the Best Movie Love Triangles

The love triangle is a classic movie trope. Although sometimes very predictable, it always adds a little spice to a story. It can get…

Classic Car Collecting and owner

15 Hobbies That Come with a Hefty Price Tag

Is there a hobby you love, but spend too much money on? I think it’s fair to say we all have something that makes…

13 Bad Movies We Can’t Help But Love

13 Bad Movies We Can’t Help But Love

Every movie isn’t a masterpiece, and that’s okay. Sometimes, we’re able to find enjoyment in the worst of the worst. They’re not exactly guilty…

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